Writer and Publisher - Oregon Review Books

Alan L. Contreras
Now Available!
Far Afield
Stories of the author's birding adventures in the U.S., England and Australia from 1988-2024. Includes travel for birding in California, Texas, Florida, Vermont, Missouri, and Colorado, plus adventures in Queensland, Australia and England.
Collected Poems of Ernest G. Moll
This collection includes all poems from Ernest G. Moll's seventeen collections published in Australia and the United States from 1928-1995. Also includes a number of poems not found in these collections. This collection is the first complete compilation of Moll's poetry published in book form.
The Gay Imagination
Essays and Reviews
A collection of essays, reviews and interviews related to the creative processes of gay and lesbian writers (mainly poets) and musicians. Includes an interview with Sparkbird (Stephan Nance) and an extended exchange with the late gay poet Reginald Shepherd. Also includes essays on the craft of poetry.
"Alan Contreras has done a remarkable job in bringing E. G. Moll’s poems back into print."
- Chris Tiffin, University of Queensland
9/3/2021 - New blog post!
One of the most unusual national poetic awards received by a Northwestern American poet was won by University of Oregon professor Ernest G. Moll for his collection Cut From Mulga. There are several reasons why Moll’s prize and his poetry are little remarked today. First...
1/29/2018 - New blog post!
I had known the late Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018) for about twenty years before I had the pleasure of visiting her at home. We met at an author’s event in Portland in the 1990s...
1/22/2018 - An OSU Press Interview!
The Process of Publishing: An Interview with Alan Contreras
Alan Contreras, author of Afield: Forty Years of Birding the American West, co-editor of Birds of Oregon, proofreader for the OSU Press, and private press owner, discusses the process of writing and publishing books.

"Engaging and well written"
- Grant McCreary on Afield
"Alan Contreras is one of the deans of Oregon birding"
- Corey Finger of 10,000 Birds
"His writing style is impeccable and also sane. He is deeply informed and independent..."
- Prof. J. W. Powell on College and State: Resources and Philosophies